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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not get smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

Here's the list of currently accepted smilies:

What to Type Meaning Graphic That Will Appear
:2n: 2nanab 2nanab
:2sl: 2slayer 2slayer
:321: 3,2,1 3,2,1
:3s: 3some 3some
:?: ? ?
:AFRO: afro afro
:AHA: aha aha
:AFROG: alien frog alien frog
:A1: alien1 alien1
:al: alienbang alienbang
:KET: angekettet angekettet
:ANGEL: angel angel
:AD: angry + die angry + die
:AC: angry clown angry clown
:ARGUE: argue argue
:asian: asianslay.gif asianslay.gif
:ASS: ass ass
:BBG: babygirl babygirl
:badc: badcrack badcrack
:badg: badgerslayer badgerslayer
:bads: badsonar badsonar
:badt: badteethpirate badteethpirate
:BAH: Bahnhof Bahnhof
:BALL: ball ball
:BB: ballon blue ballon blue
BOR: ballon orange ballon orange
:BP: ballon pink ballon pink
:BG2: balloon green balloon green
:RB: balloon red balloon red
:BA: ban ban
:bar: barfkiss barfkiss
:BEAR: bear bear
:BEARD: beard beard
:BEER: beer beer
:BEYES: big eyes big eyes
:d big grin big grin
:BIKE: biker biker
:EYE: blackeye blackeye
:BLA: blahblah blahblah
:blaze: blaze blaze
:BLINK: blink blink
:BLUE: blue blue
:BOOBS: boobs boobs
:bow: bow bow
:BOX: boxer boxer
:boxer: boxer boxer
:BUBBLEG: bubblegum bubblegum
:bktoo: bucktoothkangaroo bucktoothkangaroo
:BRO: buero buero
:b9: bump2 bump2
:BUNNY: bunny bunny
:BFLY: butterfly butterfly
:but: buttslayer buttslayer
:C: C C
:cana: canadaslayer canadaslayer
:CAT: cat cat
:CD: cd cd
:cform: cform cform
:c4f: cformplus cformplus
:CHAMPOO: champagne champagne
:che: cheesy cheesy
:CL1: clap1 clap1
:CLAP: clap2 clap2
:CLA2: clap2 clap2
:CLA3: clap3 clap3
:CW: claw claw
:CLOWN: clown clown
:CLO1: clown1 clown1
:CANA: clownnana clownnana
:CLOWNY: clowny clowny
:COIN: coin coin
:COLORS: colors colors
:COMP: computer computer
:confused: confused confused
:cj: confusedteef confusedteef
:CONTRACTS contracts contracts
:cool: cool cool
:COOL: cool cool
:COLD: cool devil cool devil
:COW: cow cow
:crucified crucified crucified
:cryslayer cryslayer cryslayer
:DAMN: damn damn
:DARK: dark dark
:arks: darkslayerfaster darkslayerfaster
:DEAL: deal deal
:DEMO: demo demo
:DESK: desktop desktop
:LEE: devil devil
:DFUNKY: devil funky devil funky
:D2: devil2 devil2
:D3: devil3 devil3
:D4: devil4 devil4
:OLPHIN: dolphin dolphin
:modo: domocrack domocrack
:om: domoslayer domoslayer
:DRINK: drinker drinker
:FROG: eating frog eating frog
:edits: editslayer editslayer
:EEK: eeeeeeeeeeeek eeeeeeeeeeeek
:eek: eek! eek!
:eee2: eek_slayer eek_slayer
:8B: eightball eightball
:ELFE: elfe elfe
:ELVIS: elvis elvis
:o embarrasment embarrasment
:es: esbslayer esbslayer
:evils: evilslay evilslay
:XPLODE: explode explode
:EYE2: eye2 eye2
:EB: eyebrown eyebrown
:F: F F
:fal: falconslayer falconslayer
:FE fast eyes fast eyes
:fire: fire fire
:FISH: fish fish
:FL1: flummi1 flummi1
:FL2: flummi2 flummi2
:FLY: flyer flyer
:FM: frenchman frenchman
:FRO: fro fro
:FRO2: fro 2 fro 2
:FROG1: frog 1 frog 1
:FROG4: frog4 frog4
:( frown frown
:FU: fu fu
:II: funky funky
:FUNKY: funky funky
:FGREEN: funky green funky green
:FH1: funky hair 1 funky hair 1
:MONKEY: funky monkey funky monkey
:FUNNY: funny funny
:FHAIR: funny hair funny hair
:HAT: funny hat funny hat
:GA: gaehn gaehn
:genervt: genervt genervt
:GG: gg gg
:GGG: ggg ggg
:GGG: gggg gggg
:GIRL: girl1 girl1
:GLASS: glass glass
:GFLOWER: glowing flower glowing flower
:G1: green one green one
:grin2: grin_slayer grin_slayer
:GRR: grrrrrrrr grrrrrrrr
:HAEN: haendereib haendereib
:H1: hair1 hair1
:WEEN: halloween halloween
:BDAY: happy birthday happy birthday
:HAPPYK: happy kitty happy kitty
:HAPPYP: happy P happy P
:HAPPYT: happy teddy happy teddy
:hasi: hasi hasi
:HAT1: hat1 hat1
:HP: headphones headphones
:HS: headshot headshot
:H2: heart2 heart2
:HEART: heartbeat heartbeat
:HELLO: hello hello
:HELMET: helmet helmet
:hern: hern hern
:HM: hmmmm hmmmm
:HOMER: homer s homer s
:HG huge grin huge grin
:ICE: ice cream ice cream
:ILOVE: in love in love
:ironie: ironie ironie
:itschy: itschy itschy
:JAP: japanese japanese
:JOINT: joint smoker joint smoker
:JORDY: jordy jordy
:JUMP: jump jump
:JJ: jumpin joint jumpin joint
:JMG: jumping mr g jumping mr g
:COF: Kaffee Kaffee
:GUM: kaugummi kaugummi
:KING: king king
:KITT: kitt kitt
:KITTY: kitty kitty
:K: knicks knicks
:kra: krankslayer krankslayer
:LOL: lachflash lachflash
:LK: ladykiller ladykiller
:LALA: lalalalalala lalalalalala
:LICHT: lichtaus lichtaus
:LIP: lips lips
:LGIRL: love girl love girl
:LOVE: lovers lovers
:LSD: lsd lsd
:macvpc: macvpc macvpc
:mad: mad mad
:MC: mad cow mad cow
:MEYES: mad eyes mad eyes
:mads: madslayer madslayer
:MEX: mexican mexican
:mexi: mexicanslayer2 mexicanslayer2
:MEXI: mexico mexico
:MICKEY: mickey mouse mickey mouse
:MINI: mini mouse mini mouse
:MIR: miraculix miraculix
:MASS: monkey ass monkey ass
:M: monster monster
:M2: monster2 monster2
:MORPH: morph morph
:MOUTH: mouth mouth
:MG: mr green mr green
:mul: mulletslayer mulletslayer
:nahnah: nah_nah nah_nah
:NT: ninja turtle ninja turtle
:NO: nono nono
:18: nurfuererwachsene nurfuererwachsene
:nut: nutkick nutkick
:boyoh: ohboy ohboy
:OLADY: old lady old lady
:FIRE: on fire on fire
:OEB: one eyed bandit one eyed bandit
:PARTY: party party
:pcwink: pcwink pcwink
:EN: penslay penslay
:PFE: pferd pferd
:PF: pfff pfff
:PHP: phpslayer phpslayer
:lic: pics-stfu pics-stfu
:ELVISP: pink elvis pink elvis
:PLADY: pink lady pink lady
:PI: Pirat Pirat
:lesspoint pointless pointless
:POKE: poke poke
:POOPSL: poopslayer poopslayer
:POPE: pope pope
:PRETTY: pretty pretty
:PUKE: puke puke
:uke: puke puke
:chpun: punch punch
:Q: quader quader
:BOW: rainbow rainbow
:RAINB: rainbow rainbow
:rainsl: rainbowslayer rainbowslayer
:RASTA: rasta rasta
:REDBG: red big rin red big rin
:REDD: red dancer red dancer
:REDW: red walking red walking
:red: redface redface
:reds: redstripeslayer redstripeslayer
:REGIE: regie regie
:rimagr: riotmatrixgreen riotmatrixgreen
:iosuslgr: riotsupaslayagreen riotsupaslayagreen
:ROCK: rocker rocker
:RG: roger roger
:rolleyes: roll eyes (sarcastic) roll eyes (sarcastic)
:RE: rolleyes rolleyes
:SM: S/M S/M
:SAD: sado sado
:SCALP: scalp scalp
:SCHLUMPF: schlumpfi schlumpfi
:PIG: Schweinchen Schweinchen
:scri: scriptslayer scriptslayer
:SHARK: shark shark
:SHEEP: sheep sheep
:SHOT: shot shot
:SHOUTL: shout left shout left
:SHOUTR: shout right shout right
:SIG: sig-smile sig-smile
:s9: skoshslayer skoshslayer
:SKU: skull skull
:s0k: skullslay skullslay
:slayer: slayer slayer
:) smile smile
:smilesla: smileslayer smileslayer
:SNEAKER: sneaker pimp sneaker pimp
:sonar: sonar sonar
:DUNNO: sorry dunno sorry dunno
:SP1: southpark1 southpark1
:SPERM: sperm sperm
:SPHINX: sphinx sphinx
:spl: spliffslayer spliffslayer
:squ: squirrelslayer squirrelslayer
:SSBAS: ssbassliner ssbassliner
:ssl: sslayer sslayer
:p stick out tongue stick out tongue
:STR: stricken stricken
:STR2: stricken2 stricken2
:SG: stupid green stupid green
:SUN: sun sun
:FLOWER: sunflower sunflower
:suns: sunslayer sunslayer
:MARIO: super mario super mario
:SWEETY: sweety sweety
:TAIL: tail tail
:T: teaser teaser
:TEDDY: teddy teddy
:TEETH: teeth teeth
:TEHH: tehh tehh
:tek: teksteppa teksteppa
:BAT1: tha bat1 tha bat1
:BAT: the bat the bat
:BOMB: the bomb the bomb
:TUP: thumb up thumb up
:TIC: Tick Tick
:tnsv: tnsv tnsv
:TBRUSH: tooth brush tooth brush
:TCOW: tooth cow tooth cow
:TFROG: tounge frog tounge frog
:TP: tramoplin tramoplin
:TRANS: transfer transfer
:TWIST: twisted twisted
:TEYES: twistin eyes twistin eyes
:UFO: ufo ufo
:victoria: victoria victoria
:(((: whining whining
:WHINI: whining whining
:whitey: whitey_slayer whitey_slayer
:whit: whitieslayer whitieslayer
:WT: wicked tounge wicked tounge
:WIN: windoof windoof
;) wink wink
:XMAS: xmas xmas
:XX: xx xx
:yinyang: yinyang yinyang
:zombie1: zombie1 zombie1
:ZZZZZZ: zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz
:ZZ: zzzzzzZZZ zzzzzzZZZ
:ZZZ: zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZ

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! v3.0